- Teeth Cleaning
Routine and Periodontal cleanings at a time
convenient for you.
- Deep Cleaning - Scaling and Root Planing
Removes bacterial toxins, tartar and plaque from below the gum tissue in order to stop the progression of Periodontal disease.
- Whitening
Fabrication of custom trays and use of take home whitening gel is an effective way to whiten and brighten your teeth.
- Oral Hygiene Instructions:
Helping you prevent dental disease
- XRays
To help detect problems when they are small
- Oral Evaluations
Making you aware of your oral health status
- Periodontal Evaluations
Regular measuring of Periodontal pockets
- Flouride Treatments
Strengthening and desensitizing your teeth
- Sealants
Placed on permanent molars after eruption to help prevent
- Oral Cancer Evaluations
Suspicious lesions are referred to a specialist
- Sports Mouthguards
Custom made trays that can help to decrease chances of injury to teeth and jaw
and decrease possibility of concussion.
© 2025
Tina Riss, RDH ~ 373 East 27th Street ~ Loveland, CO 80538 ~
970-776-0585 ~
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Dandelion Group™